Not many people know how freaked out I got when I saw Smokey Robinson on Sesame Street in a skit. Let me explain: he was singing "You (U)'ve Really Got a Hold On Me" while this puppet in the shape of the letter U, 2/3 his size (with ginormous lips, no less) starts following him, then chasing him and ultimately carrying him off. I had forgotten about the carrying off part but the wonders of Google brought it all back.
I'm no longer scared of the giant U, although I do fear having dreams about it like I used to. Giant lips...bearing down...U tentacles wrapped around me. You get the idea. I definitely don't want to watch the sketch and would probably change the channel even if in the future some children were really enjoying...whatever there is to enjoy about Smokey Robinson being molested.
Despite what you might think, I don't dwell on these abnormalities in my past.
Seeing commercials and a review of a Burger King sandwich (on thus, this individual brought it back.

The worst part is, you never know when he might pop up on TV in some bizarre fashion. Looking in a window, as I recall, or in bed next to you. Must go, the weird shivers have returned...