Anyhoo, I wasn't great at my job. I couldn't get Kellogg's any further visibility on campus and was escorted off KU property when I tried to give out free samples.
I did get $10 per hour and the chance to try Apple Cinnamon Pop Tarts. Lots of them. They are, by far, the best Pop Tart. Even if you come right out in my face like my brother will do and say that Brown Suga Sinnamon is. NO.
Long story short, last year my beloved flavor was discontinued. I was much more stressed and disheartened by finding this out than i should've been. For awhile I took to checking for their return every time I was at Schnuck's.
I like grocery shopping a lot more than most people. I was raised to like it. Ask my Dad.
I stopped checking for the return shortly after the New Year. I turned to reduced-sugar Apple Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal. Fiber and all, you know. More filling, too.
A few days ago, I check out one of my favorite blogs - - and see this:

I'm just going to say that Kellogg's shouldn't have messed with perfection. Or tried to increase their profit margin by decreasing the amount of filling.