Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A Day in the Life

I'm not one to gush (or really notice, for that matter) regarding fashion, but I just saw my sister-in-law's wedding dress and all I can say is: daaaaamn,Gina! Which brings to mind the question,when's Martin gonna come out on DVD?
So I just have an hour left here and then I'm off to frolic, and by frolic I mean work out. I know a gal who works out for 2 hours straight x3 a week. Yowza.
I'm posting out for a job at another AGFS in town. Not much to say about that.
A guy in the department was just talking about how he wishes he could watch anime and smoke cigarettes and drink Bud Light all day instead of coming here. I don't know about the latter two activities, but remember fondly Uncle Al's anime collection and how he'd make sure there was no nudity for us young'ins.

1 comment:

emily said...

And do you remember how he hates being called Uncle Al, because it reminds him of some obscure cartoon with a character by the same name + "Kitty's Pal"?